RBT Practice Exam 75 Questions Free

Our free RBT Practice Exam contains 75 challenging questions. It helps you pass the BACB’s RBT exam. Try to score at least 80% on the test to get RBT Certification. You’ll see your score at the end of this mock test.

1. Emily is working with her client, Jake, on a gross motor imitation target, specifically clapping hands. Jake has independently clapped hands in the past and has imitated peers clapping. Every time Emily says “Do this” and claps her hands, Jake holds up his hands and stares at her, and Emily always completes the response for him. This illustrates an example of:


2. Chris is working with his client, Kevin. Chris’s BCBA instructs him to record how long Kevin’s tantrums last. What type of data collection should Chris use?


3. You are assisting your supervisor with parent training. During the meeting, the parent mentioned that getting ready for school is a constant struggle. Your BCBA suggests an intervention where the child can watch TV for 20 minutes in the morning if they get dressed and ready for school on time. Implementing this intervention establishes a _ _ _ _?


4. Laura is working with her client on two-syllable choices, specifically “Say: Mommy.” She reinforces her client for saying “Ma.” A few days later, the client echoes, “Mama.” Laura then withholds reinforcement when the client says “ma” and only reinforces “mama.” What teaching procedure is being illustrated in this example?


5. How would you explain shaping to a parent who knows nothing about applied behavior analysis?


6. Chris is an RBT of Kevin and he’s working to identify preferences. Chris presents 5 items in front of Kevin: a car, bubbles, a train, a stuffed animal, and a puzzle. Chris asks Kevin to pick one, and Kevin chooses the bubbles. In the following presentation, Chris removes the bubbles, rearranges the other items, and then asks Kevin to choose again. Which preference assessment is Chris using?


7. Emily cleaned her room and received $10.00 upon completion. As a result, she started cleaning her room more often. This is an example of:


8. Lara is generally well-behaved but prefers staying up late with her family. Whenever Lara’s mom says, “Time to get ready for bed,” Lara starts to cry and begs to stay up late. What function most likely describes Lara’s response to her mom’s bedtime cue?


9. What measurement procedure is used if the observer records whether the target behavior happened at any time during the interval?


10. Jessica is working with her client on a new skill involving one-word minds, explicitly requesting “GO” when the client wants to leave a room. Jessica provides reinforcement every time the client emits the target response. What is Jessica implementing?


11. Every six months, Emily receives her favorite bottle of wine from her boss as a thank you for her hard work. Her siblings drank the entire bottle the last two times when they visited. The next time they visited, Emily hide the bottle and served other wine. What type of intervention did Emily implement?


12. When Sarah works with her client, she ensures learning opportunities are provided across different stimuli, various times of the day, incorporating new people and in other settings. What is Sarah programming for?


13. Sarah is working as an RBT and has several responsibilities during her sessions with clients. Which of the following is NOT one of her roles as an RBT?


14. Kevin helps a 19-year-old client learn to shop for groceries. The client can make a list, find items, and scan them but forgets some steps at the self-checkout. Kevin lets the client do the checkout alone and only helps with the steps the client doesn’t know. What type of teaching is Kevin using?


15. When preparing for data collection, a RBT should do all of the following except:


16. RBTs are required to receive monthly supervision from an approved supervision provider. If you work 100 hours in July, what minimum supervision hours would you need to meet the requirements?


17. Emma provides her client a break when she earns 5 tokens. She also gives her client two bonus tokens before DTT starts, which represents extra minutes on break. Emma uses an FR3 schedule and a response cost. What type of procedure is a response cost?


18. You will be involved in task analysis and behavior chains as an RBT. What is the distinction between the two?


19. Yesterday, you reviewed session notes from the past week and noticed that you and the other RBT on the team are implementing skill acquisition programs differently. What is the most appropriate action to take in this scenario?


20. Aron is allowed to stay at home by himself during summer vacation while his mom is at work. When his mom leaves in the morning, she gives Aron a list of items that she needs him to complete. What would be the best way for Aron’s mom to measure whether or not Aron completed the entire list?


21. A teacher gives a student a break from independent seated work exactly 1 hour after their last break. What schedule of reinforcement does this describe?


22. The BCBA gave the RBT 10 tasks to have the learner perform to assess whether the learner can perform the tasks or not. This is an example of:


23. Punishment can be either socially mediated or automatic. Which of the following is the best example of automatic punishment?


24. Your client has been manding “Open door” when wanting to leave the classroom, as he cannot reach the door handle. Later at lunch, your client needs help opening his chip bag and says, “Open door.” Again, you observe your client manding “open door” when needing help opening his water bottle. This is an example of:


25. Your BCBA instructs you to take data on how often your client verbally refuses in 30-minute intervals. What type of data collection is used?


26. Your best friend is an RBT at the same company as you, working under the supervision of the same BCBA. You like your BCBA, but your friend disagrees with the feedback that the BCBA gives. When the BCBA gives her feedback, she ignores it and doesn’t implement it or improve her services. What has your friend failed to do?


27. The clients are protected by privacy laws and ethical codes. To remain within the ethical standards laid out by the BACB, who should you talk to about specific details of your cases?


28. Extinction, along with reinforcement and punishment, is a behavior change principle. Which of the following does not accurately represent extinction?


29. Emma, an RBT, is observing her client, Jake, in a social setting on the weekends. Her BCBA asked her to record the duration of Jake’s time talking to peers. For the first hour, Emma recorded the following data: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 8 minutes, and 12 minutes. What percentage of the first hour did Jake spend talking to peers?


30. Money, tokens, and praise are all examples of what type of reinforcement?


31. This principle of behavior occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by the removal of a stimulus that increases the future frequency of that behavior:


32. Mark hits his peers at preschool to get their attention. His team implements a procedure where everyone limits attention toward Mark when he hits his peers. Instead, he receives verbal praise when engaging in behaviors that keep his hands busy. Clapping, playing with legos, etc. What type of procedure does this entail?


33. You just passed your RBT exam and are assigned your first case. Your client is a 13-year-old girl who engages in severe aggression towards others. Before you start the case, which of the following answer choices should be established?


34. Which of the following choices best represents discrimination training?


35. Which schedule of reinforcement do the rainbow tokens most closely align with?


36. What is the most commonly used graph in applied behavior analysis?


37. This term is used to describe what occurs immediately before “the behavior”?


38. Sarah has spent the last month recording frequency data on how often her client, Alex, insults his siblings. The data is broken down by the number of insults per session across ten sessions. If Sarah’s BCBA asked her to graph this data, where should she record the frequency of insults?


39. Which of the following is an example of prompting least to most?


40. An RBT sets a timer for 2 minutes. When the timer goes off, the RBT looks up to see if their client is sitting in their seat. What measurement procedure is this?


41. You work with a client four times weekly for two hours each session. During sessions, you collect frequency data on your client’s screaming behavior. Last week, your client screamed 4 times in session 1, 8 times in session 2, 6 times in session 3, and 10 times in session 4. What was the rate of screaming per hour for session 3?


42. Jhon makes noises with his mouth while sitting in math class. When the teacher tells him to stop, he continues. Now, the teacher ignores him, and Jhon’s noises get louder and more frequent. What describes this behavior change?


43. Which term is used to describe anything an organism does that is observable and measurable?


44. Emma is sitting across from Jack. Emma looks at Jack and asks, “What is 5+3?” Jack responds with “9.” How should Emma respond if she uses discrete trial teaching and wants to use a visual prompt?


45. Sofia is an RBT of Hazel. From the last three sessions, Hazel’s dad reported that she’s going to bed at midnight and waking up at 4 AM. What course of action should Sofia take as the RBT?


46. A skill acquisition plan has several essential components. First, a skill is identified. Then, a goal is created to address the skill. Next, a measurement procedure is identified to record data. What is the next step in a skill acquisition plan?


47. Sarah, an RBT, has spent the first month with her client, Max, managing behaviors and identifying reinforcers. This week, her BCBA wants her to determine what skills Max can and can’t do. What procedure is Sarah most likely going to implement?


48. This occurs when the learner emits an unlearned response, which is functionally equivalent to the learned response. An example includes teaching the learner to say “Hi,” and you now observe the client saying “Hello” and “Hey,” which were not taught.


49. What measurement system in applied behavior analysis captures every instance in which a behavior occurs?


50. Kevin is reinforced when he asks to take a break from his activities instead of throwing their belongings on the floor. Which of the following types of reinforcement is this an example of?


51. Amy is asked to assist her BCBA with a new client assessment. They arrive at the client’s house and start setting up. As they set up, the BCBA asks the client, “What’s your name?”, “What’s 3+3?”, “Can you spell cat?” What most likely explains what the BCBA is doing?


52. When using a token economy, which of the following is necessary?


53. Your client often makes inappropriate jokes at the clinic. You notice that when he does this, most of the kids around start laughing at him, increasing the likelihood that he will continue to make inappropriate jokes in the future. What appears to be the function of this behavior?


54. Sarah, a BCBA, is teaching her clients to brush their teeth. She has broken down the task into smaller, manageable steps to help her client learn this new skill. What teaching procedure is Sarah using?


55. Emma, an RBT, gathers materials for data collection and program implementation. She spends 15 minutes reviewing the updated behavior intervention plan and programming before her session. Emma has 2 questions and reaches out to her supervising BCBA for clarification. These are all necessary components of:


56. As an RBT, you must be prepared for a session as described by the skill acquisition plan. Which of the following is NOT a way to prepare for your session?


57. As part of a token economy, John receives a token every time he brushes his teeth before going to bed. This is an example of:


58. RBTs are expected to stay in good standing with the BACB. This includes renewing their RBT license as required. Part of the renewal process is retaking the competency assessment. How often do RBTs need to retake the competency assessment?


59. Escape, attention, tangible, sensory describe what?


60. Sarah is running DTT with her client. She provides the SD, waits for the learner’s response, gives a prompt, provides feedback, and then pauses briefly before delivering the next SD. What did Sarah do wrong?


61. During a training session, Emma reviews different types of reinforcers with her client. Which of the following is NOT an example of an unconditioned reinforcer?


62. Your client is overweight and is seemingly only motivated by food. Your client requested that you no longer use food as a reinforcer. After talking with your BCBA, what might be the best course of action?


63. What would the procedure look like if you were to demonstrate a shaping procedure to a new RBT who asked for your help?


64. Which of the following is an example of discontinuous measurement?


65. Jessica works with a 6-year-old client three times a week. Whenever she is at the client’s house, she talks about the Las Vegas Golden Knights with the client’s parents. Knowing Jessica’s enthusiasm, the parents buy her a Knights jersey. If Jessica accepts the jersey, what would this most likely represent?


66. Which of the following can be used to teach new skills and has the advantage of delivering feedback and reinforcement quickly and easily?


67. RBTs are a major part of the service delivery team in ABA. What is the RBTs primary role in service delivery?


68. What measurement system in applied behavior analysis captures every instance a behavior occurs?


69. Your BCBA creates a new behavior plan to target your client’s aggression. After implementing it for two weeks, you feel it’s not working. What should you do?


70. Katie, an RBT, observes her client, Ethan, who frequently elopes. She notices that Ethan’s elopement typically occurs when he is asked to complete a worksheet at school. The teacher usually responds by telling Ethan, “It’s okay; you don’t have to work on it today.” What appears to be the function of Ethan’s elopement?


71. If you are working with a client, and accidentally reinforce a behavior, what is the best course of action for you to take as an RBT?


72. What is a key component of a behavior intervention plan (BIP) that should be determined during the assessment phase?


73. Mike is a 12-year-old boy who lives at home with his dad. Mike often interrupts his dad’s work calls at inappropriate times. It was determined that the function of this behavior was attention from Mike’s dad. Your BCBA instructs you to give Mike attention every 3 minutes continuously while Mike’s dad is on a work call. What type of intervention does this most likely represent?


74. The three-term contingency refers to the following:


75. Emily, an RBT, has a client named Jake who has met the mastery criteria for tying his shoes. This behavior continues to occur even after the intervention has been removed. What does this refer to?


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