This free RBT Practice Exam contains 75 questions from all RBT Task List 2.0 sections. It’s a full-length online RBT practice test simulating the Registered Behavior Technician certification exam. You’ll see your score and correct answers when you submit this mock test.
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. Jessica is working with her client on a new skill involving one-word minds, explicitly requesting “GO” when the client wants to leave a room. Jessica provides reinforcement every time the client emits the target response. What is Jessica implementing?
Fixed Interval Reinforcement
Continuous Reinforcement
Discontinuous reinforcement
Both A and B
— Lists Both A and B as correct, but I don’t see how this could be considered an interval schedule without some defined time interval
In this scenario, she is providing reinforcement (positive reinforcement) every time the client emits the target response (“GO”). Continuous reinforcement involves reinforcing the desired behavior each time it occurs, which is essential for teaching new skills.
So, the correct answer is Continuous Reinforcement.
no logro llegar a la pregunta 75 me las quitan antes y no me dice la respuesta correcta
Last time, I failed in RBT exam. But, now I’m scoring 70+ in Mock Tests. Do I need to study whole Task List again or just practice test is enough?
Hi Rachel,
Your score is good. All you need is Practice, Practice, Practice! Access more free practice tests on our homepage.
All the best!
Is FR1 schedule same as continue reinforcement? Where is the difference.
Yes, a Fixed Ratio 1 (FR1) schedule is the same as continuous reinforcement (CRF). In both cases, reinforcement is provided after every occurrence of the target behavior.
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How would you explain shaping to a parent who knows nothing about applied behavior analysis?
A. Each time your child gets closer to the final behavior, we will reward them.
B. Positive reinforcement will be used every time your child gets closer to the terminal behavior.
C. For each successive approximation , your child will receive a reward.
D. We picked a terminal behavior and will be reinforcing successive approximations towards that behavior.
Is not answer A and answer C the same when describing what shaping is? Successive approximation implies that when the child gets closer to the correct behavior, they are rewarded. When I search answer C on its own, I get results about shaping behavior. I put answer C but it says only answer A is correct. What is the difference as they both seem correct in the context of this question.
They are all correct descriptions, but answer A uses the simplest language, so it is the easiest explanation to understand. The goal here is to explain the concept for people without knowledge of ABA principles.
by search I mean when I use google with the words in answer C
I love these practice questions. Whatever I don’t know I write down and look it up for better understanding
In this question, we need to define to the parent so we will use easy language
Hi Saima,
Please write the whole question so that we can clear your doubt.
Thank you
For “Money, tokens, and praise are all examples of what type of reinforcement?” why wouldn’t they also be examples of positive reinforcement? (I would say that they’re both positive and conditioned, so either answer is correct – obviously you could also take them away, such as taking away tokens, but wouldn’t that make it become a punishment procedure instead?)
Hi Amanda,
It would be easy for us to explain in better way if you can provide the full question here.
Emma provides her client a break when she earns 5 tokens. She also gives her client two bonus tokens before DTT starts, which represents extra minutes on break. Emma uses an FR3 schedule and a response cost. What type of procedure is a response cost?
How come it is negative punishment if client getting tokens.
Thank you.
A response cost is a form of negative punishment. It involves the removal of a reinforcer (such as tokens) contingent on an undesired behavior, decreasing the likelihood of that behavior occurring in the future. In Emma’s case, if the client loses tokens due to inappropriate behavior, this represents a response cost procedure.
Every six months, Emily receives her favorite bottle of wine from her boss as a thank you for her hard work. Her siblings drank the entire bottle the last two times when they visited. The next time they visited, Emily hide the bottle and served other wine. What type of intervention did Emily implement?
it should be letter C. Avoidance right?
it is the type of intervention emily implemented. avoidance involves taking action to prevent an unwanted situation from occuring
Emily implemented an antecedent intervention, specifically response prevention.
By hiding the bottle of wine before her siblings arrived, she altered the environment to prevent the undesired behavior (them drinking her favorite wine). Response prevention is a proactive strategy that involves modifying the environment to make an undesired behavior less likely to occur.
Which schedule of reinforcement do the rainbow tokens most closely align with?
Fixed ratio
Variable interval
Variable ratio
How is it the correct answer is – Conjugate
please explain