RBT Practice Test | Free 7+ RBT® Mock Exams

Our website provides free RBT practice exam questions that help you prep for the registered behavior technician certification test. We offer six section-wise RBT practice quizzes, four quick revision RBT practice tests (50 questions each), and four full-length RBT practice tests (75 questions each), fully updated for 2025.

While recording data on a learner’s self-hitting behavior, an RBT noted 14 hits in a 2-hour session and documented it as 7 hits per hour. Which type of measurement method did he use?


Which of the following is considered an antecedent technique in behavior analysis?


Which of the following is NOT an essential component of a written skill acquisition plan?


When recording data on a line graph, on which axis should you place the date?


A child learned to tie their shoes months ago and can still do it independently without recent practice sessions. What does this demonstrate?


In a token economy, what are the items or activities that the learner can exchange their tokens for called?


As part of a token economy, Emily receives a token every time she brushes her teeth before bed. Which principle of behavior is this an example of?


To determine how many times a student raises their hand, which measurement method should be used?


Milana wants to measure the amount of time that passes between occurrences of her client asking for a break. What type of data should she collect?


Which of the following is considered a response prompt in behavior intervention?


Question 1 of 10

RBT Section-Wise Practice Quiz

RBT Exam Structure

The registered behavior technician exam contains 85 multiple-choice questions that must be answered within 90 minutes. Each question has four possible answers and only one correct answer.

Out of 85 questions, 10 are pilot questions that will not be counted in your score, as these are pre-tested for future BACB exams. That means only 75 questions will be counted in your score. The ten pilot questions are scattered randomly throughout the test.

The 75 scored questions are broken down into six content areas:

TopicNo. Of Questions
Measurement12 Questions
Assessment6 Questions
Skill Acquisition24 Questions
Behavior Reduction12 Questions
Documentation and Reporting10 Questions
Professional Conduct and Scope of Practice11 Questions

Free RBT Study Guide Online

Our free RBT study guide is fully updated for RBT Exam 2025, and it covers all six sections of the RBT task list 2.0- Measurement, Assessment, Skill Acquisition, Behavior Reduction, Documentation, and Professional Conduct.

You can start studying with our free RBT study guide and analyze with free RBT practice tests.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where to take the RBT exam?

After completing your RBT competency assessment, you can schedule your RBT exam at Pearson VUE.

How many questions are in the RBT exam?

A total of 85 questions will be asked in the RBT exam, but only 75 questions are scored. The 10 unscored questions are pre-tested for future BACB exams.

What is the passing score for the RBT exam?

There is no straightforward answer. Each RBT exam has a specific passing score calculated using the modified Angoff method. However, 80% or higher is considered a safe score to pass the RBT exam.

How hard is the RBT exam?

No exam is easy or hard. It depends upon your preparation and training. Approximately 74% of candidates pass the RBT exam on their first attempt.

How many times can you retake the RBT exam?

You can retake the RBT exam 8 times in 12 months. The re-apply application will be available within 48 hours of a failed attempt, and you can reschedule your next exam after 7 days.

Can I take my RBT exam at home?

No, you can’t take the RBT certification exam at home. As of September 1, 2023, the RBT examination is only delivered at in-person test centers.