Our free RBT Practice Exam is designed to help you prepare for the RBT certification exam. The first mock test contains 50 practice questions updated for RBT Task List 2.0. You’ll see your score and answer key after submitting this test. Review your score, analyze the mistake, and work on it before the final exam.
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It is very helpful, I will practice more.
Thank you so much.
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Love the free assessments. Very useful to establish fluency. I hope they are as difficult or more difficult than the actual exam.
This practice exam covers all types of questions that will be asked in the real exam. In fact, many questions are included from previous RBT exams.
18. The BCBA instructs you to measure the time between the end of one response and the beginning of the same response. What continuous measurement procedure is being implemented?
A. Whole Interval
C. Latency
D. Duration
Answer B.
Answer C.
Question 18 could be worded more clearly:
If I am instructed to measure the time between the end of one response and the beginning of the same response- with “same” being the operative word I’m focusing on in this question- to me, it means that I am measuring the start and stop time of a response (e.g. how long a child screams in one interval). Which makes it seem like I’m measuring duration.
Not sure what you would reword it to, maybe “the time between the end of one response and the start of another occurrence of that previous response.
Are questions like these worded this way of the actual exams?
can’t comment on my previous unapproved comment– ignore the answer is c part. I meant to erase that