RBT Practice Exam: 85 Questions Free

Have you studied all topics of our RBT study guide and want to test your knowledge and skills before the actual exam? Try this free RBT practice exam to boost your confidence and discover which topic requires more attention.

This RBT practice test contains 85 questions, similar to the final RBT exam. Out of 85 questions, only 75 are counted in your score, and the remaining 10 are pre-tested for future exams. You’ll get 90 minutes to score at least 80% mark to pass this exam.

Free RBT Practice Exam: 85 Challenging Questions

1. Escape, attention, tangible, sensory are:


2. Operational definitions of behavior should be:


3. Which of the following is an example of positive punishment?


4. In a token economy, what are the items or activities that the learner exchanges their tokens for called?


5. What type of reinforcement is it when a reinforcer is presented regardless of whether the target behavior is demonstrated or not?


6. Ms. Smith wants to measure how often David disrupts her class. Disruption is defined as speaking during a lecture without raising his hand. She will take data for 15 minutes each day during her class and record an instance of behavior if David disrupts at all during each 30-second interval. What type of measurement is this?


7. Which of the following is an example of a rate?


8. Lisa, an RBT, is recording data on her client, Alex’s, self-hitting behavior. She notes that Alex hit himself 6 times during a 2-hour session and records the data as 3 times per hour. What type of measurement did Lisa use?


9. Which type of measurement is both discontinuous and more likely to overestimate the frequency of a behavior?


10. During a session with Ethan, you will consider his preferences for reinforcement activities. Whose preferences should take priority?


11. Emma wants to know how much time passes between occurrences of her client asking for a break. What type of data would she collect?


12. Which of the following is an objective and measurable description of behavior?


13. Emma wants to make changes to her behavior to be healthier. She starts by self-monitoring her exercise routine. During week 1, she records exercising 3 times and a total of 90 minutes. What types of measurement did Emma use?


14. Victoria is working with her client when her father informs her that he does not want her to implement natural environment teaching (NET), even though it is written in the skill acquisition plan. The father wants her only to use discrete trial training at the table. What should Victoria do in this scenario?


15. When writing a session note, you should do all of the following except:


16. You are bitten by a mosquito. The bite starts to itch, so you scratch it. What are you implementing?


17. What type of chaining procedure involves prompting each step until the learner independently completes the final step?


18. Which of the following scenarios constitutes the need for a crisis intervention to be included in your learner’s behavior reduction plan?


19. Mia, an RBT, is working with a client whose mother asked her for advice about their child’s diet and supplements. The client’s parent worries that it affects the behavior analytic services provided. What course of action should Mia take?


20. Mia is working with a client, and the client’s family refers their cousin to her, who is working towards similar goals. Which of the following is considered best practice?


21. You can achieve stimulus control through the process of:


22. Two supervisors are conducting supervision together. How many RBTs can they supervise in one group?


23. What behavior is the most observable and measurable?


24. What should the RBT do if the learner is responding in a way that is not addressed by the prompting, error correction, and reinforcement procedures?


25. Emma is running discrete-trial teaching to teach her learner, Jake, to identify emotions on 2D picture cards. She holds up a picture card of a girl smiling and asks, “How does she feel?” At what point should Emma prompt the correct response?


26. Which of the following is true about a free operant preference assessment?


27. To ensure our data collection is reliable and valid, what are the key indicators of good (believable) data?


28. Amelia earns stickers for following rules during therapy sessions. When she earns 10 stickers, she can choose a prize from the prize box. What type of procedure does this exemplify?


29. Olivia records interval data for her students’ classroom participation using 5-minute intervals. Student A participates in classwork for two minutes during the interval from 8:00-8:05 AM. Olivia marks that interval as a ✅ (or yes/+). Assuming she is recording data accurately, what type of measurement procedure is she using?


30. When writing a session note, all of the following are required components except:


31. Which of the following variables would not require immediate communication with your BCBA?


32. Which of the following means to stop reinforcing a behavior that was previously reinforced?


33. Layla has a goal to independently mand for preferred items. Which of the following would be the most precise mastery criteria for this goal?


34. Olivia creates a token economy for her students by identifying target behaviors, choosing tokens, and creating a backup reinforcer menu with specified token costs for each item. What step must she add before reviewing and implementing this with her students?


35. Evelyn’s mother gives her a cup of mango juice. Evelyn throws the cup and screams. Her mother says, “What’s wrong? You asked for mango juice!” What was the antecedent in this scenario?


36. You taught your client to label a refrigerator on a 2D picture card. The next day, your client’s mother informs you that he has been pointing to the refrigerator in their kitchen and saying, “Refrigerator!” What does this demonstrate?


37. During a session, Jake’s mom reported that Jake had tried five new foods since the last session. What type of measurement is this?


38. Emma, an RBT, is collecting ABC data each time her client, Noah, hits a peer or staff member with an open palm. What type of functional assessment is Emma using in this scenario?


39. Emily is teaching her client to match 2D identical pictures. She starts by providing a hand-over-hand prompt so the client is successful. After a few sessions, she fades her prompt to partial physical, then to gestural, until the client matches pictures without any prompting. By fading her prompts, Emily is:


40. Sophia is teaching her client to mand using PECS. Because her client is highly motivated for Cheez-It crackers, she uses these to teach the contingency of exchanging the picture icon to receive the crackers. Cheez-It crackers fall under which type of reinforcer?


41. What is the purpose of a preference assessment?


42. Which of the following is not a function of behavior?


43. Signals that reinforcement is available:


44. For which situations would permanent product procedures be most appropriate?


45. Amelia, an RBT, receives a friend request on social media from her client and the client’s mother. What is the best course of action for Amelia to take in this scenario?


46. Olivia is counting how many times their client pinches themselves. What type of measurement is Olivia using?


47. Amelia is working with a 3-year-old boy who loves playing with toy dinosaurs. She brings a bag full of toy dinosaurs to her session and allows him to play with them when he earns 5 tokens for following his rules. What would the toy dinosaurs be considered?


48. What is it called when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced?


49. VR, FR, VI, and FI are all:


50. Olivia, an RBT, is evaluating her relationships with clients and coworkers. Which of the following illustrates an example of a dual relationship?


51. In an FR5 schedule of reinforcement, the reinforcer would be provided:


52. What type of reinforcers get their reinforcing value by being paired with other reinforcers?


53. Isabella sees a green ball and says, “Green.” She sees grass and says, “Green.” She also sees dark green leaves on a tree and says, “Green.” What is this an example of?


54. Olivia yells at loud volumes to get her mother’s attention. Her mother reinforces close approximations to low speaking volumes and tapping her to get her attention, while ignoring the loud volume screams. What is this process called?


55. During a car ride, Jake pokes Bobby five times a minute. To manage this, Jake’s mom hands him a Nintendo Switch and praises him when he plays with it. What strategy is Jake’s mom implementing?


56. When preparing to collect data, which of the following steps should be completed first?


57. Which of the following reasons for a particular behavior does not fall under the main functions of behavior?


58. Your BCBA teaches you how to implement an extinction procedure to decrease property destruction. What might you observe when implementing extinction?


59. Your BCBA determined that attention is maintaining Ethan’s aggressive behavior. What could extinction look like in this scenario?


60. Emily is learning to label colors. Which of the following examples demonstrates naturalistic teaching to learn colors?


61. Your favorite ice cream shop offers punch cards where each purchase earns you one punch. After 5 punches, you get a free scoop of ice cream. What schedule of reinforcement does this exemplify?


62. If Noah goes without calling his brother names an entire week, he earns a trip to GameWorks. What reinforcement procedure is this?


63. Victoria is teaching her client, Sarah, to identify body parts on herself. She gives the instruction, “Touch your head.” When Noah touches her head, she gives verbal praise and a high-five. When Sarah touches her nose, she does not praise or give her a high-five. What procedure is Victoria conducting?


64. Which of the following is not included in a written skill acquisition plan?


65. Mia gives her daughter a sticker when she uses the toilet independently. As a result, her daughter continues to increase her independence in using the toilet. What does this exemplify?


66. Your BCBA provides your client’s caregiver with a questionnaire to fill out about the child’s behavior to get more information about what they’re seeing outside of therapy sessions. This type of tool falls under which category of assessments?


67. You are starting with a new client who engages in several dangerous behaviors. Where can you locate the procedures for preventing and responding to these behaviors?


68. Jake’s dad reprimands him for not cleaning his dishes after dinner. The next day, Jake cleans his dishes, and his father immediately stops yelling. Jake is more likely to clean his dishes in the future. This is an example of:


69. Sophia is an RBT, and she is recording data on a line graph. On which axis should she put the date?


70. Olivia arrives at her client’s home for a session. At the start, the client’s mother informs her that the client started a new medication and has been engaging in severe head banging, asking for advice on how to handle this behavior. What should Olivia do in this scenario?


71. As an RBT, you can perform all of the following actions except:


72. Emma’s supervisor asks her to take duration data on her learner’s behavior. What does this mean?


73. It is written in the client’s behavior intervention plan to implement least to most prompting, but the client’s parents specifically state they want you to implement most to least prompting instead. As an RBT, what should you do in this scenario?


74. Clara has a BIP targeting aggressive behaviors, which are hypothesized to be driven by a need for attention. Given this information, which would be the most appropriate replacement behavior to include in her BIP?


75. Your client is working on a multi-step household chore consisting of 7 steps. Your BCBA instructs you to teach this skill using a chaining procedure. Your learner can do 5 out of the 7 steps at baseline independently. Which type of chaining procedure would you use?


76. Which of the following examples is an appropriate scenario for implementing a restraint/safety care procedure as an RBT with a client?


77. What type of teaching occurs in a learner’s natural environment, using naturally occurring learning opportunities?


78. Amelia is working with a client who engages in hair-pulling. What is an antecedent strategy she could implement?


79. What does a discriminative stimulus indicate?


80. Olivia, an RBT, is asked by her client’s family to babysit over the weekend while they go out of town. How should Olivia respond to the family’s request?


81. Which of the following actions illustrates maintaining client dignity?


82. What term describes the continuation of a skill by a client even after the intervention has been removed?


83. What does an antecedent intervention involve?


84. Which schedule of reinforcement is used when reinforcement is provided after an average amount of time has passed?


85. Which of the following describes a multiple stimulus with replacement (MSW) preference assessment?


Question 1 of 85

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