RBT Professional Conduct and Scope of Practice Quiz

This RBT Professional Conduct and Scope of Practice Quiz contains 20 questions. It covers key topics like supervision requirements, feedback, maintaining professional boundaries, and communicating with stakeholders. Take this quiz to prepare for the RBT certification exam!

Which of the following is true of your monthly supervision logs?


How often your supervisor will provide feedback?


Which of the following exemplifies a dual relationship that an RBT must avoid?


Andrew was Jennifer’s RBT, but their therapeutic relationship ended recently. When can both be involved in a romantic and sexual relationship?


How might an RBT communicate with their client’s parents professionally and within their scope of practice?


Andrew resigns from his role as an in-home RBT. One of his client’s mothers asks if they can keep in touch after he leaves. How long would Andrew wait before establishing a friendly relationship with this family after his last day?


Andrew is an RBT of Jennifer. The relationship between both is getting closer every day and Andrew is concerned about it. What should he do?


How many hours of supervision are required for an RBT each month based on the BACB’s supervision guidelines?


Which of the following is the most appropriate communication with stakeholders (e.g., parents or other professionals) for an RBT?


Which of the following would be a breach of professional boundaries for an RBT?


What should an RBT do if they notice they will not meet the required supervision hours in a given month?


Question 1 of 11

This is the final section-wise quiz for topics outlined in RBT Task List 2.0. But we’ve four more RBT practice tests (which contain 50 questions each). Familiarize yourself with the exam structure and practice more to boost your confidence for the Registered Behavior Technician exam.