RBT Mock Exam 2024 | Full 75 Questions

Going for the RBT certification exam at Pearson Vue test center? Check your understanding with our free online RBT mock exam and identify which section requires more attention. Answer these questions, and you’ll see your score when you hit the submit button.

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During a session, an RBT notices the parent of a client visibly distressed due to personal reasons. The parent starts to share their concerns with the RBT. The best approach for the RBT would be to:


Stimulus changes that occur right after a behavior are referred to as:


During a teaching session, Amanda begins by assisting a child in buttoning their shirt by guiding their hands through each step. Gradually, she provides less help until the child can complete the task independently. Which teaching strategy is Amanda implementing?


Two supervisors are conducting supervision together. How many RBTs can they supervise in one group?


What happens if there is a reoccurrence of the behavior?


When writing a session note, all the following are required components except:


The dissection of a task into its constituent parts and processes.


Jessica’s BCBA asks her to create a task analysis for tying shoes. What does this entail?


Sarah is working with a client, and the client’s family refers their cousin to her, who is working towards similar goals. Which of the following practices is considered best practice in this situation?


Jordan works with a client for three hours daily, and during that time, the client frequently engages in verbal stereotypy. The BCBA has decided to use a differential reinforcement procedure and instructs Jordan to reinforce the client whenever they are not displaying verbal stereotypy. What type of differential reinforcement does this represent?


Mike visits the treasure box at school every Friday. Which of the following reinforcement schedules is this an example of?


A client’s family asks Sarah to babysit over the weekend while they go out of town. As an RBT, how should Sarah respond to the parent’s request?


Which of the following illustrates an example of a dual relationship?


Sarah cleaned her room and received $7.00 upon completion. Sarah engaged in cleaning her room more often in the future. This is an example of:


Reinforcement is delivered, on average, every 2 minutes following the first response after the time is up. What type of reinforcement schedule is this?


During a 30-minute observation period, Sarah notices that a student engages in a specific behavior for a total of 10 minutes. She decided to calculate the proportion of time the student engaged in the behavior compared to the entire observation period. What measurement technique is Sarah using?


The RBT informs the learner that it’s time to go to the classroom to practice tracing lowercase letters. Once seated, the learner attempts to elope each time the RBT says, ‘Let’s Trace.’ Considering the scenario and the four functions of behavior, what seems to be the function of the learner’s behavior?


Jordan loses a bet and has to jump into his friend’s pool in below-freezing temperatures. The cold hits him as soon as he jumps in, and he immediately runs to a hot shower. Consequently, Jordan never jumps into freezing water again. In this scenario, what role does the freezing cold play?


Tina works with a 7-year-old client named Ethan, who frequently displays behaviors to avoid non-preferred tasks. How can Tina implement Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior (DRA) to decrease Ethan’s escape behaviors effectively? Select the most suitable approach based on this scenario.


In a classroom, a student named Ethan frequently shouts out answers without raising their hand. To address this behavior, the teacher decides to acknowledge Ethan’s answers only when he raises his hand and to ignore the shouting. This strategy is known as:


Jessica’s BCBA reviews a new goal with her and instructs her to implement a continuous schedule of reinforcement for this goal. What does this mean?


Which of the following is considered the best practice for an RBT to communicate with stakeholders?


In a therapy session, Sarah observes a child completing a jigsaw puzzle. Instead of noting the behavior as it occurs, she later counts the number of completed puzzles as evidence of the behavior. What measurement method did Sarah use?


When working with a client, whose preferences should take priority?


Which type of chaining procedure consists of prompting each step until the final step, which the learner then completes independently?


What does extinction mean in the context of behavior reduction?


A little boy is playing with his toys in his room. Holding one of his stuffed animal dolls, he looks at it and says, “Zebra!” What type of verbal behavior is this?


Sarah (an RBT) recorded 23 instances of Jackson throwing items in the classroom. What type of continuous measurement procedure is Sarah implementing?


The RBT is working with a new client to identify preferences. The RBT presents five items in front of the child: a car, bubbles, a train, a stuffed animal, and a puzzle. The RBT states to pick one, so the child chooses the bubbles. In the following presentation of the stimuli, the bubbles are taken out of the array, and the other items are re-arranged. The RBT instructs the client again to choose one. Which preference assessment is being implemented?


The observer is recording data on tangible items (e.g., completed math worksheets) left over in the environment that can be recorded at a later time. What measurement procedure is being described?


When is it appropriate to provide a client or caretaker with your personal phone number?


The BCBA gave the RBT 10 tasks to have the learner perform to assess whether the learner can perform the tasks or not. This is an example of:


A new student joins the classroom, and the BCBA wants to evaluate the child’s current academic level concerning the curriculum. The BCBA asks you to observe and record the tasks the child can complete independently as well as those they find challenging. What type of assessment are you helping with?


What type of reinforcers get their reinforcing value by being paired with other reinforcers?


You review a skill acquisition plan for a receptive identification of 3D objects goal, which states to provide most-to-least prompting. Which type of prompt would you likely start with?


Which schedule of reinforcement is used when reinforcement is provided after an average amount of time has passed?


What is the purpose of using prompting and fading procedures in skill acquisition?


The most common form of graph used in ABA is:


In a DRO, you reinforce:


This is the breakdown of a task into its individual components and steps: what is it called?


Which measurement procedure is being used if Sarah (an RBT) records whether the target behavior occurred at any point during the interval?


During a therapy session, an unexpected event occurs that appears to impact the client’s behavior. To ensure thorough documentation, what should Rachel, the RBT, do?


Alex’s mother gives him a cup of orange juice. Alex throws the cup and screams. Alex’s mother responds, ‘What’s wrong? You asked for orange juice!’ In this scenario, what was the antecedent?


In a token economy, the items or activities the learner cashes in their tokens for are called:


What do escape, attention, tangible, and sensory refer to?


During a teaching session, Sarah starts by helping children button their shirts by guiding their hands through each step. Over time, she offers less and less assistance until the child can complete the task independently. What teaching strategy is Sarah implementing?


Sarah’s BCBA instructs her to record how long her clients’ tantrums last. What type of data collection would Sarah use?


Which of the following would not need to be documented in a daily session note?


Which of the following is NOT a discontinuous measurement procedure?


Which antecedent raises or diminishes a consequence’s value?


Emily, an RBT, is working with a client when the client’s mother asks for advice regarding the child’s diet and supplements, expressing concern that they might be affecting the behavior analytic services. What is the most appropriate course of action Emily should take?


After a session, Sarah, an RBT, realizes she has forgotten some specific details she intended to document. To ensure accuracy, what should she do?


Intermittent reinforcement is typically used to teach new skills while continuous reinforcement is typically used to strengthen and maintain established skills:


Sarah is observing a student during an activity and marks whether a specific behavior occurs at the end of every 2-minute interval. What measurement technique is she using?


Which of the following is an objective and measurable description of behavior?


Taylor has a goal to independently mand for preferred items. Which of the following would be the most precise mastery criteria for this goal?


Sarah’s BCBA instructed her to measure the time between the end of one response and the beginning of the same response. What continuous measurement procedure is Sarah using?


Which of the following means to stop reinforcing a behavior that was previously reinforced?


The RBT convicted guilty to a charge of battery. How many days does the RBT have to report the incident to the BACB?


Julia wants to know how much time passes between occurrences of her client asking for a break. What type of data should she collect?


Emily is working with a 3-year-old boy who loves playing with toy dinosaurs. She brings a bag full of toy dinosaurs to the session and allows him to play with them when he earns five tokens for following the rules. In this context, the toy dinosaurs would be considered a:


You have had a migraine all day long. You try to relax, but it doesn’t go away. You finally give in and take an Excedrin. What is most likely the function of your behavior when taking Excedrin?


Mia’s client attends sessions in two different locations. They have sessions at home on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays and in the clinic on Tuesdays and Fridays. What is the best way for Mia to transport her client’s session notes and data sheets from home to the clinic? Choose the most appropriate option.


Sarah is recording data on her learner’s self-hitting. She identified that her client hit six times in a 2-hour session, so she recorded the data as 3x/hour. Which type of measurement did Sarah use?


Sarah records interval data for her students’ classroom participation using 5-minute intervals. During the interval from 8:00-8:05 AM, student A participates in classwork for two minutes. Sarah marks that interval with a ✅ (Yes). What type of measurement procedure is Sarah using?”


Alex’s dad reprimands him for not cleaning his dishes after dinner. Alex cleans his dishes the next day, and his father stops yelling. Alex is now more likely to clean his dishes in the future. This is an example of what?


Before the onset of services, the BCBA informed the RBT that they conducted an interview with the clients’ parents and gave them a questionnaire to fill out about their child’s preferred activities. This is an example of which functional assessment?


What should Sarah do to ensure she’s ready for a successful session with a client (at the very minimum)


What is the purpose of documentation in the supervision and consultation process?


Adding anything to a person’s environment will inspire them to repeat the goal behavior. Is this any reinforcement?


When recording data on a line graph, on which axis would Sarah (an RBT) will put the date?


Why is accurate and timely documentation important in behavior analysis?


Mark, an RBT, sets a timer for 2 minutes. When the timer goes off, Mark looks up immediately to check if his client is sitting in their seat. What measurement procedure is Mark using?


Operational definitions of behavior should be:


During a session, Sarah (an RBT) observes that a child gravitates toward certain toys while altogether avoiding others. She presents the child with two toys at a time and observes which one the child chooses to play with. What assessment technique is Sarah using?


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